Fri. Apr 19th, 2024

There are different ways of transportation. People prefer using airplanes. They are fast and they can get you from one part of the world to another in a matter of hours. That is way faster than in ages past, where you would have to take a ship and travel for months. Nowadays, the length of our travels is sometimes so short that we don’t get to finish playing our favorite game or use LVbet Bonus Code or codes similar to it when having fun online. That being said, it’s not always like that. Some prefer getting their feet dirty and walking, while others cycle to save time and energy. Cars are fine, so are busses, but almost nothing beats the smoothness and safety of a train ride.

Trains are pretty linear and offer some of the best traveling experience. Trains are so popular, in fact, that they made it into movies. They are so popular that we can make a list of the best train movies of all time. Here are my candidates.

Murder on the Orient Express

The 1974 variant of the movie is arguably one of the best train/crime flicks you can watch. Based on Agatha Christie’s eponymous novel, the movie shows us Hercule Poirot, a detective with an iconic moustache, on board the Orient Express, where, who would’ve guessed, a murder takes place. Poirot takes it upon himself to uncover the truth behind the murder in a thrilling train ride. This is one of Albert Finney’s finest roles and a must watch for train lovers.

Train to Busan

One of the better novel movies about trains. Boarding the extremely fast KTX train in South Korea, Seok-woo and his daughter Su-an, want to go to Busan. But, unfortunately for them and the rest of the passengers, the train becomes overrun with zombies. The passengers must survive a thrillingly fast ride to Busan, where zombies want to eat them. It is a brilliant movie with lots of social commentary knit finely between the action scenes. Released in 2016, this is another interesting train movie.

Money Train

It’s 1995 and Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson teamed up once more to bring us an action movie about a money train. They star as cops who end up on a money train and things get really exciting. The two paired up once more after their successful run in the movie White Men Can’t Jump.

It is an iconic 90s train flick.

The Polar Express

Nothing like an animated movie to make things better. Robert Zemeckis brings us a Christmas movie. A boy who loses faith in Christmas finds his way aboard a magical train bound for the North Pole. This obviously turns into a lovely adventure. There is nothing like a lovely animated Christmas train ride.

Runaway Train

A train action movie involving a convict and a train which gets out of control.

The plot is relatively simple but with an actor like Jon Voight, movies become much better, especially when they have a train in them.

These are some of the world’s best train movies. There are more of them, of course, but it is up to you to discover those wonders on your own.

By Ella